L E T ' S M A K E M E M O R I E S T O G E T H E R
Hi, my name is Nick
As a Dutch kid I was always drawn into sports. The endorphines raging through your body as you take a leap and succeed. That's when I discovered, that I wanted to share that feeling with other people. That feeling when you score a decisive goal, that feeling of pure freedom when you're floating on a layer of the purest powder snow, that feeling when you catch that big wave and ride it until you almost break your ankles on the sand.
My goal is to capture that feeling. That feeling of pure victory, of being invincible. That smile that can't be wiped of your face for the upcoming hours, days, weeks or even months. We all succeed in life in different ways, and my goal is to capture, and deliver that feeling to the audience. Let's make memories together.
My goal is to capture that feeling. That feeling of pure victory, of being invincible. That smile that can't be wiped of your face for the upcoming hours, days, weeks or even months. We all succeed in life in different ways, and my goal is to capture, and deliver that feeling to the audience. Let's make memories together.